TB 11-6625-2713-50
(6) Set TI VERTICAL MODE switch to CH2 and VOLTS/DIV switch to .05 and
repeat technique of (2) through (4) above. If risetime is not 7 ns or less, perform b(6) and
(7) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust A2A6R40 (fig. 1) for fastest risetime.
(2) Adjust HF ADJUST A1A5C9, A1A5C8, and A1A5R17 (fig. 3) for optimum flat
top square wave.
(3) Adjust A1A5C21 (fig. 3) for minimum peaking on square wave.
(4) Adjust A2A6C36 (fig. 1) for fastest risetime with minimum overshoot.
(5) Adjust A1A5C17 (fig. 3) for fastest risetime with minimum overshoot.
(6) Adjust A2A6C27 and A2A6R101 (fig. 1) for fastest risetime.
(7) Repeat (2), (3), and (5) above for best compromise between CH1 and CH2.
15. Triggering
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect ac calibrator (A2) to TI CH1 INPUT, using cable (B5).
(2) Set VERTICAL MODE switch to CH1 and time base to 1 MSEC, and press
PULL X10 VERNIER control.
(3) Adjust TI LEVEL control to 0 (zero), set CH1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 2, and
(4) Adjust ac calibrator frequency for 1 kHz and amplitude for 0.5 division of
vertical deflection on crt. If display is not stable, perform b below.
b. Adjustment.
Adjust A3A2R1 (fig. 4) for stable display on
Figure 4. Horizontal sweep, test point location and adjustments.