TB 11-6625-2713-50
10. Channel 1 and 2 Gain
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect ac (alternating current) calibrator (A2) to TI CH2 INPUT, using cable
(2) Set TI VOLTS/DIV switch to .005 and VERNIER control to CAL.
(3) Set ac calibrator frequency to 400 Hz (hertz) and output for 4 division of display
on crt. If ac calibrator does not indicate between 6.928 and 7.212 mv rms (millivolts root
mean square), perform b below.
(4) Set time base for convenient display on crt.
(5) Repeat technique of (3) above for TI VOLTS/DIV switch settings listed in table
4. Ac
calibrator will
indicate within
limits specified.
Table 4. Gain and Deflection Factor Accuracy
Test instrument
Ac calibrator indications (rms)
VOLTS/DIV switch
13.857 mV
14.423 mV
27.714 mV
28.846 mV
69.286 mV
72.120 mV
0.13857 V
0.14423 V
0.27714 V
0.28846 V
0.69286 V
0.72120 V
1.3857 V
1.4423 V
2.7714 V
2.8846 V
6.9286 V
7.2120 V
13.857 V
14.423 V
(6) Remove connection from CH2 and connect to CH1 INPUT.
(7) Set TI VERTICAL MODE to CH1 and repeat (2) through (5) above.
If ac
calibrator does not indicate within limits specified, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust ac calibrator amplitude for 7.070 mv rms and adjust TI front
panel CAL control for exactly 4 divisions of display on crt.
11. Vertical Position
a. Performance Check
(1) Set TI CH1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 0.1 and adjust ac calibrator (A2) for 8
divisions of display on crt, and then set VOLTS/DIV switch to .05.