TB 11-6625-2713-50
Table 5. Attenuator Compensation
Test instrument Volts/Div
switch settings
Flat Top
Square Corner
C2 (R)
C3 (R)
C4 (R)
C1 (R)
C6 (R)
C7 (R)
C8 (R)
C9 (R)
C10 (R)
C11 (R)
square-wave generator for maximum amplitude.
(7) Set TI VERTICAL MODE switch to CH2 and repeat (1) through (3) and (6)
above for CH2.
b. Adjustments. No further adjustments can be made.
13. X5 Gain
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect ac calibrator (A2) to TI CH1 INPUT, using cable (B5).
(2) Set TI VERTICAL MODE switch to CH1 and VOLTS/DIV switch to .01.
(3) Adjust ac calibrator frequency for 1 kHz and Output for 21.21 mv.
(4) Set TI VOLTS/DIV switch to .05 and VERT GAIN X1/X5 switch to X5. If crt
does not display 6 divisions of deflection, perform b below.
b. Adjustments.
Adjust A1A5R49 (fig. 3) for 6
divisions of
display on
crt. (R)
14. Risetime
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect square-wave generator (A5) to TI CH1 INPUT, using cable and
termination supplied with square-wave generator.
(2) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to .1 SEC and pull out HORIZ POSITION PULL X10
VERNIER control and set X1/X5 switch to X1.
for 8 divisions of vertical deflection.
(4) Measure risetime, using standard risetime technique. If risetime is not 7 ns
(nanoseconds) or less, perform b(1) through (5) below.
(5) Move connection from CH1 to CH2.