TB 9-6625-100-24
Table 1. Calibration Description Continued.
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
Range 1: 25.6 kΩ to 410 kΩ
Frequency: 12 Hz to 20 kHz
Basic Accuracy2: 0.02%
Range 2: 1.6 kΩ 25.6 kΩ
Basic Accuracy2: 0.02%
Range 3: 100 Ω 1.6 kΩ
Basic Accuracy2: 0.02%
Range 4: 6.25 Ω to 100 Ω
Basic Accuracy2: 0.02%
Range: 12 Hz to 200 kHz
Accuracy: 0.01%
The TI is calibrated using specially designed Vishay calibration resistors. The manufacturer states that the TI measures
complete verification.
2 Basic accuracy is achieved with the TI set to SLOW measurement speed at 1 kHz, 1 V rms non-constant voltage.
Accuracies under different conditions can be determined using the 1693 Error Calculation Tool.
4. Equipment Required. Table 2 identifies the specific equipment to be used in this
calibration procedure. Secondary Transfer Calibration Standards Set, AN/GSM-286;
AN/GSM-287; or AN/GSM-440. Alternate items may be used by the calibrating activity.
The items selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to use and must bear
evidence of current calibration. The equipment must meet or exceed the minimum use
specifications listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2 provide a four-to-one ratio
between the standard and TI. Where the four-to-one ratio cannot be met, the actual
accuracy of the equipment selected is shown in parentheses.
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of Equipment Required
Manufacturer and model
Common name
Minimum use specifications
(part number)
Frequency Counter
Range: 12 Hz to 200 kHz
Fluke, Model PM6681/656
Accuracy: 0.001%
Range: 20 Ω to 100 kΩ
Hewlett Packard, Model 3458A
Accuracy: 0.002%
5. Accessories Required. The accessories required for this calibration are common
usage accessories, issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above, and are not listed in this
calibration procedure. The following peculiar accessories are also required for this
calibration: Remote test fixture PN 1689-9600, BNC cable assembly PN 1689-9602 and
1693 Cal Kit PN 1689-9604 including: short, open, 24.9 Ω, 374 Ω, 5.97 kΩ and 95.3 kΩ
resistors. No substitutions are acceptable.