TB 9-6625-106-24
Once an adjustment sequence is initiated "i.e. calterm 130", TI
resets parameter to a factory default condition that may not
meet manufactory specifications.
To save the calibration data after completing any calibration
step, "i.e. calterm 130", type: calterm 787 and press
Each of the steps in this procedure provides initial calibration
of a specific TI circuit or component. To ensure accurate
instrument calibration, each step of this procedure must be
performed in sequence.
TI must have power applied and in STANDBY or OPERATE
for at least 120 hours.
(a) At the $ prompt, type calterm 119 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt
will appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(b) At the $ prompt, type calterm 137 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(c) At the $ prompt, type calterm 132 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(d) At the $ prompt, type calterm 134 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(e) At the $ prompt, type calterm 127 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(f) Connect the 10 MHz output from the time/frequency workstation to the
microwave frequency counter 1, 2, 5, 10 MHz input. Set the microwave frequency counter,
freq ref, to Auto. Connect microwave frequency counter Input1 to TI RF Output.
(g) At the $ prompt, type calterm 130 and press <ENTER>. Follow the
instructions on the screen.
(h) At the $ prompt, type calterm 129 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(i) At the $ prompt, type calterm 133 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(j) At the $ prompt, type calterm 114 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration is complete.
(k) At the $ prompt, type calterm 787 and press <ENTER>. The $ prompt will
appear on the screen when the calibration data has been stored.
(l) Disconnect equipment setup.