TB 9-6625-127-24
u. Set TI AMP to 16 V. Set oscilloscope for 2 V / div and, if necessary, readjust A1R535
(fig. 1), in NORM and COMPL modes, for <4% overshoot.
v. Check that transition times are <6.6 ns in both NORM and COMPL modes.
Transition time is measured between 10% and 90% of amplitude.
w. Set TI AMP to 999 mV. Check that transition times are <6.6 ns in both NORM and
COMPL modes. Transition time is measured between 10% and 90% of amplitude.
x. Set TI AMP to 1 V and OFS to 7.5 V.
y. Set oscilloscope channel offset to 7.5 V and averaged mode with 8 averages. Check
that transition times are <6.6 ns in both NORM and COMPL modes.
z. Set TI output to minimum and disconnect equipment setup.
aa. Set TI as outlined in (1) through (8) below:
(2) CTRL to off.
(4) COMPL OUTPUT to off.
(5) DISABLE OUTPUT to off.
(6) DTY to 50%.
(7) AMP to 999 mV.
(8) OFS to 0 V.
ab. Set frequency counter to TIME A to B, COM A, A
ac. Connect TI TRIG OUTPUT to frequency counter A input.
ad. Set TI FRQ to 1 kHz and adjust A2R22 (fig. 2) for a frequency counter indication of
500 s 0.5 s. (R)
ae. Set TI FRQ to 9.99 kHz and adjust A2R27 (fig. 2) for a frequency counter indication
of 50.05 s 0.05 s. (R)
af. Repeat steps ad and ae above until both specifications are achieved.
ag. Set frequency counter slopes to A
and B
ah. Set TI FRQ to 1 kHz and adjust A2R25 (fig. 2) for a frequency counter indication of
500 s 0.5 s. (R)
ai. Set TI FRQ to 9.99 kHz and adjust A2R27 (fig. 2) for a frequency counter indication
of 50.05 s 0.05 s. (R)
aj. Repeat steps ah and ai above until both specifications are achieved.
ak. Set frequency counter to measure frequency and slopes to A
and B
al. Set TI FRQ to 9.99 MHz and adjust A1C204 (fig. 1) for a frequency counter
indication of 9.99 MHz 0.5 MHz. (R)