TB 9-6625-133-40
(17) Apply negative current to TI for the range that requires adjustment. Allow time
for TI indication to stabilize.
(18) Repeat technique of (13) through (16) above for negative range gain adjustment point.
(19) Repeat technique of (11) through (16) above for remaining TI ranges that require
(20) Exit CAL menu by pressing [QUIT] 2 times.
(21) Disconnect equipment set-up.
f. AC Current Adjustments
(1) Set rear panel CALIBRATION switch to ENABLE (if necessary).
(2) Press TI keys as listed in (a) through (h) below.
Function: ACI
[RESL] , [6]
[FILT] , [100 HZ]
(3) Populate table 9 DC resistance (Ω) column and AC/DC dif (ppm) column with the
test reported values of the current shunts required.
(4) Connect equipment as shown in figure 5 using current shunt specified in
table 14 for the zero point of the range requiring adjustment.
(5) Set TI to the first range requiring adjustment.
(6) Set AC measurement standard to INPUT 1.
(7) Using MEAS CONTROL under the UTIL MENU, set the AC measurement
standard Digital filter MODE to MEDIUM, RESTART to MEDIUM.
(8) Set the calibrator output to the zero value for the range being adjusted. Use
technique stated in table 14 footnote to establish true applied current.
(9) Press CAL to enter the CALIBRATION menu.
(10) Press [SET] in the CALIBRATION menu.
(11) Enter the true applied value of the calibrator output using TI numeric keypad,
then press [ENTER].
(12) Press SAMPLE to initiate the adjustment. Range zero adjustment is complete
when the BUSY legend goes out and the calibrated measurement is displayed.
(13) Set the calibrator output to the gain value for the range being adjusted. Use
technique stated in table 14 footnote to establish true applied current.
(15) Press [SET] in the CALIBRATION menu.