TB 9-6625-143-24
(13) Increase oscilloscope calibrator output amplitude in 10 mV increments until
activity indicators for digital channels D7 D0 are all at digital high levels. If multimeter
indication is not ≤ -4.750 V dc, perform b below.
(14) Set oscilloscope calibrator to STBY.
(15) Turn TI knob to set threshold to 0.00 V.
(16) Set, and adjust if necessary, oscilloscope calibrator for an output, as shown on
(17) Decrease oscilloscope calibrator output amplitude in 10 mV increments until
activity indicators for digital channels D7 D0 are all at digital low levels. If multimeter
indication is not ≥ -100 mV dc, perform b below.
(18) Increase oscilloscope calibrator output amplitude in 10 mV increments until
activity indicators for digital channels D7 D0 are all at digital high levels. If multimeter
indication is not ≤ 100 mV dc, perform b below.
(19) Set oscilloscope calibrator to STBY.
(20) Move test connector connections from TI channels D7 D0 to TI channels D15 D8.
(21) Repeat technique of (3) through (19) above for digital channels D15 D8.
(22) Disconnect equipment setup.
b. Adjustments. Complete all performance checks through paragraph 12 for as found
a. Performance Check
(1) Press TI Save/Recall.
(2) Press TI [Default Setup].
(3) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI ch 1 input.
(4) Set oscilloscope calibrator for 0 V dc output and OPR.
(5) Set TI ch 1 Vertical 5 V 1 mV knob to first value listed in TI Volts/Div column
(6) Adjust TI ch 1 position knob to place displayed signal ~ 0.5 div up from bottom of
TI display.
(7) Press TI Acquire key.
(8) Press TI [Averaging] key then use TI knob to set #Avgs to 64. Allow time
for measurement to settle.
(9) Press TI Cursors key, [Mode] key then [Normal] key.
(10) Press TI [XY] key then select [Y].
(11) Press TI [Y1] key, then use TI knob to place TI Y1 cursor to baseline of
displayed signal.
(12) Set oscilloscope calibrator to STBY.