TB 9-6625-143-24
b. Adjustments. Complete all performance checks through paragraph 12 for as found
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 through a 50 Ω
feedthrough to TI ch 1 input.
(2) Set TI ch 1 key to On and all other TI ch keys to off.
(3) Set TI ch 1 Vertical 5 V 1 mV knob to 200 mV.
(4) Set TI Trigger Edge to ch 1.
(5) Set TI Horizontal 50 s 5 ns knob to 10 s.
(6) Press TI Acquire key.
(7) Press TI [Averaging] key then use TI knob to set #Avgs to 8.
(8) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a LEVEL SINE, 50 kHz, and 6 divisions of vertical
deflection output.
(9) Press TI Quick Meas key. Wait for TI measurement to settle, then record TI
PK-PK indication as Vref.
(10) Set oscilloscope calibrator LEVEL SINE frequency to 100 MHz.
(11) Set TI Horizontal 50 s 5 ns knob to 5 ns.
(12) Wait for TI measurement to settle, then record TI PK-PK indication as V1.
(13) Calculate TI frequency response using the following formula:
(14) If calculated result is not between -3 dB and +3 dB, perform b below.
(15) Set TI ch 1 Vertical 5 V 1 mV knob to 5 mV.
(16) Set TI Horizontal 50 s 5 ns knob to 10 s.
(17) Repeat technique of (8) through (14) above.
(18) Move connection from TI ch 1 to TI ch 2.
(19) Press TI ch 2 key to on and TI ch 1 key to off.
(20) Repeat technique of (3) through (17) above utilizing TI ch 2 controls and
For model 54624A proceed to (21) below. For models 54622A
(21) Move connection from TI ch 2 to TI ch 3.
(22) Press TI ch 3 key to on and TI ch 2 key to off.
(23) Repeat technique of (3) through (17) above utilizing TI ch 3 controls and