TB 9-6625-151-40
(5) Depress and release S8 Reset. Observe all Motor Energy LED's are Off.
(6) Depress and release FUNCTION GENERATOR #1 trigger switch. Observe TI
Motor Energy 1 LED should lite.
(7) Observe Time Out LED remains lit for duration of TOF. Timer indicates
between 1.940 and 2.060 sec.
(8) Observe FREQUENCY COUNTER #2 indicates between 1.940 and 2.060 sec.
(9) Calculate (indication of (6) above - indication of (7) above) = 0.001.
(10) Set FUNCTION GENERATOR #1 and #2 outputs Off.
d. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Fire Monitor Test
(1) Disconnect CALIBRATION AMPLIFIER TP4 connection. Connect TI J6 FIRE
to OSCILLOSCOPE channel 4 (fig. 5). Leave all other connections and instrument settings
as they are.
Figure 5. Fire Monitor Test.
(2) Set OSCILLOSCOPE trigger to channel 1 and horizonal control to 5 mS.
(3) Set FUNCTION GENERATOR #1 and #2 outputs On.
(4) Depress and release FUNCTION GENERATOR #1 trigger switch.
OSCILLOSCOPE channel 4 to display Fire pulse of between 11.0 and 13.0 V.
b. Fuze Monitor Test
(1) Disconnect TI J5 FIRE and J6 FIRE connection. Connect CALIBRATION
AMPLIFIER J4 to TI J4 FUZE. Connect J3 FUZE to OSCILLOSCOPE channel 4. Leave
all other connections and instrument settings as they are.
(2) Depress and release FUNCTION GENERATOR #1 trigger switch.
OSCILLOSCOPE channel 4 to display Fuze pulse between 8.5 and 9.5 V.
(3) Set FUNCTION GENERATOR #1 and #2 outputs Off.
c. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
12. Rocket Motor Energy Tests
a. Rocket Motor Energy M439
J4 to TI J5 FIRE. Leave all other connections and instrument settings as they are.