TB 9-6625-172-24
m. Set resistance standard to 20 Ω and adjust VR11 (fig. 2) for TI indication of 19.90 to
20.00 Ω.
n. Repeat k through m above until TI indications are all in tolerance.
o. Connect 1-turn coil to calibrator output terminals, set calibrator output to
90 mA @ 60 Hz.
p. Set TI function switch to ~mA, clamp TI to coil and adjust VR20 (fig. 2) for an
indication of 89.90 to 90.00.
Before continuing, set calibrator output to minimum, set TI
function switch to OFF and reassemble TI completely.
q. Enter adjustment mode by performing (1) and (2) below:
(1) Press and hold down HOLD, FUNC and ▼ keys simultaneously while turning
TI on.
(2) Continue to hold keys down until a beep is heard. Harmonic is displayed on TI
when keys are released.