TB 9-6625-172-24
In the following steps, disregard TI displayed indication accuracy.
r. Set calibrator output to 1 A @ 60 Hz.
s. Set TI function switch to ~A, clamp TI to coil, and press HOLD key 1 time when
indication is stable.
t. Set calibrator output to minimum and remove 1-turn coil. Connect 3-turn coil to
calibrator LO and AUX CURRENT outputs.
u. Set calibrator output to 1 A @ 60 Hz. Clamp TI to coil and press HOLD key 1 time
when indication is stable.
v. Set calibrator output to 3.333 A @ 60 Hz and press HOLD key 1 time when
indication is stable.
w. Set calibrator output to 10 A @ 60 Hz and press HOLD key 1 time when indication
is stable.
x. Set all outputs to minimum and disconnect equipment setup.
Deenergize and disconnect all equipment
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.