TB 9-6625-2134-24
(229) Position controls as listed in (a) through (d) below.
It may be necessary to adjust FREQUENCY control to center
display on crt while positioning FREQUENCY SPAN/DIV
(a)FREQUENCY control to 100 MHz.
(b)FREQUENCY SPAN/DIV control to 50 kHz.
(d) REFERENCE LEVEL control to -20 dBm.
(230) Adjust FREQUENCY control to center signal on crt display and press
VERTICAL DISPLAY 2 dB/DIV pushbutton to on.
(231) Adjust REFERENCE LEVEL control for a 7 division signal on crt display.
(232) Adjust FREQUENCY control until display is centered on crt.
The 10 kHz filter is used as the reference for centering the
response of all filters.
(233) Adjust FREQUENCY SPAN/DIV control to 50 kHz and RESOLUTION
(234) Adjust C2050 and C5055 (fig. 18) for optimum shape and waveform centering
(fig. 19) and press DIGITAL STORAGE SAVE A pushbutton to on.
(235) Adjust RESOLUTION BANDWIDTH to 10 kHz and recenter signal on crt
display with FREQUENCY control as shown in figure 19.
(236) Adjust FREQUENCY SPAN/DIV control to 500 kHz and RESOLUTION
(237) Adjust C2026 and C1022 (fig. 18) for optimum 1 MHz filter shape and
SPAN/DIV control to 500 Hz.
(239) Adjust C6011 and C7011 (fig. 18) for maximum amplitude and bandwidth 3
dB down from top of display.
After adjusting C6011 and C7011 (fig. 18), allow 1 minute
before next adjustment.