TB 9-6625-2139-24
(10) Adjust R33 CH1 2/5-mV DC BAL (fig. 1) to position trace on center horizontal
graticule line.
(11) Set CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 5m.
(12) Repeat (8) through (11) above for minimum trace shift when setting CH 1
VOLTS/DIV switch from 5m to 2m.
(13) Connect oscilloscope calibrator CHAN 1 to TI CH 1 using a 50 :
feedthrough termination.
(14) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 10m.
(b) CH 1 AC AND DC switch to DC.
(c) A AND B SEC/DIV switches to 20 Ps.
(15) Set oscilloscope calibrator EDGE output to 10 kHz and 5 divisions of vertical
deflection on TI.
(16) Adjust CH 1 POSITION control to position top of waveform to the center
horizontal graticule line.
(17) Adjust C3 CH1 MF/LF COMP (fig. 1) and R47 CH1 MF/LF GAIN BAL (fig. 1) for
the best square corner and flat top.
(18) Remove 50 : feedthrough termination and connect oscilloscope calibrator output to
TI CH 1.
(19) Set oscilloscope calibrator voltage output to 10 mV at 1 kHz.
(20) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 2m.
(b) A AND B SEC/DIV switches to .2 ms.
(c) CH 1 POSITION control to view waveform.
(21) Adjust R26 CH1 2-mV GAIN (fig. 1) for 5 divisions of vertical deflection on TI. (R)
(22) Set CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 10m.
(24) Adjust R145 CH1 GAIN (fig. 2) for 5 divisions of vertical deflection on TI. (R)