TB 9-6625-2173-24
(8) Set PULL X10 HORIZ MAG switch to out position.
(9) Adjust horizontal POSITION control to align leading edge of any one time
marker to center vertical graticule line.
(10) Press PULL X10 HORIZ MAG switch to in position and adjust MAG RAG
R1155 (fig. 6) to align leading edge of marker to center vertical graticule line.
(11) Repeat (6) through (9) above for no shift.
(12) Set PULL X10 HORIZ MAG switch to out position.
(13) Set TI SECONDS/DIV switch to .2 ms and oscilloscope calibrator MARKER
output to 20 Ps.
(14) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL and horizontal POSITION control to align 2d
marker with 2d vertical graticule line.
(15) Adjust R1169 X10 GAIN (fig. 6) for 1 marker per division. The 2d and 10th
markers must align with the 2d and 10th vertical graticule lines (R).
Do not perform power supply check if all other parameters are
within tolerance.
a. Performance Check. Connect multimeter LO to chassis ground and HI to TP3465
(fig. 7). If multimeter does not indicate between 19.6 and 20.4 V dc, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Adjust R3466 (fig 7) for 20.0 V (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.