TB 9-6625-2213-24
(26) If AMPLITUDE meter indication is not between .537 and .877 V, adjust A3R20
(fig. 4) for an intolerance indication between .537 and .877 V dc (R).
(27) Repeat (20) through (26) above until both the 0 and +10 dBm indications are
within tolerance.
(28) Replace channel A probe with channel B probe in figure 1 equipment setup.
switch to 300 mV.
(30) Adjust signal generator amplitude controls for a measuring receiver indication of
0.0 dBm.
(31) If AMPLITUDE meter indication is not between 188 and 259 mV, adjust A4R20
(fig. 4) for an intolerance indication between 188 and 259 mV (R).
(32) Set AMPLITUDE mV-RANGE-DB switch to +10 dB.
(33) Adjust signal generator amplitude controls for a measuring receiver indication of
+10.0 dBm.
(34) If AMPLITUDE meter indication is not between .537 and .877 V, adjust A3R20
(fig. 4) for an intolerance indication between .537 and .877 V dc (R).
(35) Repeat (29) through (34) above until both the 0 and +10 dBm indications are
within tolerance.
(36) Repeat (20) through (34) above until no adjustments are required before
proceeding to (37) below.
(37) Remove TI probes from equipment setup.
(38) Connect channel A probe to oscilloscope vertical input.
(39) Adjust A3Rl5 (fig. 4) for minimum peak-to-peak signal indication on oscilloscope.
Peak-to-peak signal amplitude will not exceed 5 mV.
(40) Disconnect channel A probe from oscilloscope vertical input and connect channel
B probe to oscilloscope vertical input.
(41) Adjust A4Rl5 (fig. 4) for minimum peak-to-peak signal indication on oscilloscope.
Peak-to-peak signal amplitude will not exceed 5 mV.
(42) Disconnect channel B probe from oscilloscope vertical input.