TB 9-6625-2339-24
(9) Calculate reference level offset by subtracting reading 3 from reading 1. If the
calculated reference level offset is greater than 0.05 dB or less than 0.05 dB, record as Ref
Level Offset (10 Hz RBW) value, otherwise, enter 0.
(10) Press TI keys as listed in (a) and (b) below:
(a) Input/Output, [Amptd Ref Out] (Off).
(b) AMPLITUDE, [More], [Ref Level Offst], (enter reading 2 value).
(11) Disconnect equipment setup.
(12) Connect 50 Ω termination to TI INPUT 50Ω.
(13) Press TI keys as listed in (a) through (n) below:
(a) Auto Couple.
(b) AMPLITUDE, [Ref Level], 7, 0, [dBm].
(d) [More], [Ref Level Offset] (enter value calculated in (6) above).
(e) BW/Avg, [Res BW], 1, [MHz].
(f) [Video BW], 1, 0, [kHz].
(h) [Stop Freq], 1, [GHz].
(i) Sweep, [Sweep] (Cont).
(j) [Sweep Time] (Auto).
(k) Single.
(l) View/Trace, [Trace 1], [Clear Write].
(m) BW/Avg, [Avg Type], [Video Avg], [Average], 3, Enter.
(n) Single.
(14) Wait until Vavg 3 is displayed to the left of graticule lines then press TI keys as
listed in (a) through (e) below:
(a) Peak Search.
(b) BW/Avg, [Average] (Off).
(c) Marker, [MarkerCF].
(d) Span, 2, 0, [kHz].
(e) BW/Avg, [Res BW], 1, [kHz], [Video BW], 3, 0, [Hz].
(15) Press TI Single key and wait for sweep completion.
(16) Press TI Display and [Display Line] (On) keys.
(17) Using TI rotary knob, adjust TI display line to center it on average trace noise. TI
display line indication will be within limits specified in first row of table 21.
(18) Press TI [Display Line] (Off) key.
(19) Repeat technique of (13) (e) through (18) above for remaining frequencies listed in