TB 9-6685-316-50
Avoid sudden changes in pressure. Do not abruptly release
lease Pressure from system, and do not remove weights from
piston until all pressure in system has been released.
(6) Release pressure from equipment setup.
(7) Replace 0-160 psi pressure gage with 0-10,000 psi pressure gage. Remove
low-range piston and install high-range piston in n cylinder. Place the 475-psi and one
500-psi weight on the high-range piston of the TI.
(8) Remove low-range piston and cylinder from standard and install high-range
piston and cylinder. Place the 950-psi weight on the high-range piston and cylinder of
To prevent injury to personnel and damage to equipment,
exercise extreme caution when applying high pressure to
system and avoid any sudden changes in pressure.
(9) Apply pressure to system while continuously rotating weights and pistons
until one piston is approximately 1/4 inch above either the TI or the standard cylinder
(10) Visually inspect equipment setup and eliminate any leakage.
(11) Release pressure from TI and place enough weights on piston to test capacity
of TI (10,000 Psi) and repeat (9) and (10) above. TI will not leak.
(12) Release pressure by slowly opening pressure relief valve (fig. 1).
(13) Repeat (6) through (12) above, using low-range piston assembly and 0-5000 psi
pressure gage to test capacity of system at 2,000 psi. (High-range piston and cylinder
must be installed in standard.)
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
8. Mansfield and
Green, Model
10-10525 Calibration
a. Performance Check
When using the low-range piston, in both the deadweight
pressure tester (A5) (standard) and TI, the reference line of
the standard is 3.50 inches above the reference line of the TI.
This is equivalent to 0.1113 psi. A mass of 3/16 oz must be
placed on the TI to compensate for pressure developed by the
fluid head.
(1) Install low-range pistons in cylinder housing on TI and standard.
(2) Connect equipment as shown in figure 1, using 0-5000 psi pressure gage .
(3) Place the 95-psi and nine of the 100-psi weights supplied with the TI on the TI