TB 9-4931-538-40
(14) Press Channels key and set OFFSET to Offset = 500 mV.
(15) Press Display key and set Bandwidth to 12.4 GHz is highlighted.
(16) Press CLEAR DISPLAY pushbutton and wait for 16 averages to accumulate.
Figure 3. Dc voltage measurement - equipment setup.
(17) Press Delta V key. Overlay MARKER2 on center trace. Display V(2) value
will indicate between 496 and 504 mV.
(19) Press Channels key and set OFFSET to Offset = - 500 mV.
(20) Press SYSTEM CONTROL CLEAR DISPLAY pushbutton and wait for 16
averages to accumulate.
(21) Press Delta V key. Press MARKER1 POSITION key and overlay MARKER1
on center trace. Display V(1) value will indicate between -496.6 and 500.4 mV. V will
indicate between 992.0 mV and 1.008 V.
(22) Press SYSTEM CONTROL RECALL SETUP and ENTRY 2 pushbuttons.
Press Channels key and set Channel 1 display to On is highlighted.
(23) Press More and Wfm Math keys. Press Function key until 1 is highlighted.
Press Display key until On is highlighted.
(24) Press first Chan-Mem key until Chan 1 is highlighted. Press operation key
(forth vertical key down) until Only is highlighted. Press DISPLAY SCALING key until
Volts/Div is highlighted and set Sensitivity = 5.000 mV/div.