TB 9-4931-538-40
10. Time Interval Accuracy Short Delta t and Long Delta t
a. Performance Check
(1) Set the display menu settings to meet the following conditions:
(a) Press Display key. Display Mode to Average is highlighted. NUMBER
OF AVERAGES to # Averages = 64. Screen to Single is highlighted. Graticule to
Frame is highlighted. Bandwidth to 20 GHz is highlighted.
(b) Press Channels key. Channel 1 through 4 display Off is highlighted.
VOLTS/DIV to Sensitivity = 20.00 mV/div for Channel 1 through 4. OFFSET to Offset
= 0.000 V. PROBE ATTEN to Chl Atten Factor = 1.000.
(c) Press Timebase key. TIME/DIV to Sweep Speed = 10.0 ps/div. Delay
to Delay = 16.0000 ns. Delay Ref at Left is highlighted. Freerun/Trg'd Sweep to
Trg'd is highlighted.
(d) Press Trigger key. TRIGGER LEVEL to Trigger Level = 0.000 V.
Slope to Pos is highlighted. PROBE ATTEN to Ext Atten Factor = 1.000. HF Sens to
Off is highlighted. HF Reject to Off is highlighted.
(e) Press MORE and Network keys.
Reflect/Trans/Cal to Reflect is
highlighted. Step & Chan 1 to Off is highlighted.
(2) Press SYSTEM CONTROL SAVE SETUP and ENTRY 3 pushbutton. Press
More and Channels keys and set Channel 1 to display On is highlighted.
Figure 4. Time interval short delta t - equipment setup.