TB 9-4931-538-40
If the lowest point on the display is out of tolerance and is to
the right of the STOP MARKER, change the 50 termination.
(37) -3% test ________________mV. Example -2.94 mV.
(38) Divide the value obtained in (37) above by the value obtained in (20) above and
multiply by 100%. (Step (37)______________mV step (20) ____________mV x 100% =
___________%. The absolute value of this number will be less than 3% (-3% at <1 ns after edge).
(39) Adjust MARKER2 to the highest point of signal on the display. Record the
value of V(2) =__________mV.
(40) Subtract the value obtained in (20) above from the value recorded in (39) above.
Record this value as in (41) below.
(41) +5% test ______________mV. Example 6.87 mV.
(42) Divide the value obtained in (41) above by the value obtained in (20) above and
multiply by 100%. (Step (41) _____________mV step (20) _______________mV) x 100% =
____________ %. The absolute value of this number will be less than 5% (+5% at <1 ns after edge).
(43) Using ENTRY pushbuttons, set MARKER2 to the value obtained in (20) above.
Using ENTRY pushbuttons, set MARKER1 to the value recorded in (10) above.
(44) Press Timebase key and set Sweep Speed = 30.00 ps/div. Press Delay and
press Delay Ref at Center is highlighted. Set DELAY to Delay = the value of the
(45) Press Channel key and set Sensitivity = 30.00 mV/div and OFFSET for 100 mV.
(46) Press Delta V key. Press Preset Levels key until 10%-90% is highlighted. DO
NOT PRESS Auto Level Set key.
(47) Press Delta t key and press START ON EDGE key until POS 1 is highlighted.
Press STOP ON EDGE key until POS 1 is highlighted.
(48) Press the Precise Edge Find key. The measured risetime (t ) will be less
than <45 ps.
b. Adjustments. No further adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect the short end of the semi-rigid U cable to the short end of the semi-rigid
S cable through an APC 3.5 (f-f) adapter. DO NOT tighten connections until told to do so.
(2) Connect the other end of the semi-rigid U cable to Channel 1.
(3) Without bending or damaging the semi-rigid cables, bring the other end of the
semi-rigid S cable toward Channel 2. You will be told to make connection to Channel 2.