TB 9-6625-116-24
(1) Connect TI CH 1 output to multimeter INPUT through active head.
(2) Set multimeter to measure DCV.
(3) Set TI as listed in (a) through (k) below:
(a) [BASE CAL]
(c) [LOAD 1 M ]
(d) [SIGNAL CH 1]
(e) [EXIT]
(g) [
] (positive DC)
(h) [DEFAULT TARGETS] (set to default targets, not saved targets).
(i) [CAL RANGE], [1] (use spinwheel to select Range 1 if necessary).
(j) [TARGET 1]
(4) Using cursors or spinwheel, adjust O/P AMPLITUDE until multimeter
indicates the TARGET AMPLITUDE.
(5) Press [ACCEPT CALIB].
(6) Press [EXT TARGET].
(7) Repeat technique of (4) through (6) above for remaining positive DC targets.
(8) Set TI OUTPUT to OFF and press [EXIT] when last target is completed.
(9) Press [WAVE FORM] and [
] (negative DC).
(10) Repeat technique of (3)(h) through (k) and (4) through (8) above for remaining
negative DC targets.
(11) Set multimeter to measure ACV, SETACV to SYNC mode.
Use table 10 to convert from square-wave V p-p (TI TARGET
value) to V rms (multimeter indication). RMS value was
calculated using manufacturer's formula (0.5 x Vp-p x
0.999917). 0.999917 (83 ppm) compensates for the finite
transition time of the square wave and the resultant fall in its
RMS value.