TB 9-6625-2056-24
(5) Adjust POSITION control to align second time marker with oscilloscope first
graticule line. End of sweep will extend to at least 9.2 graticule divisions.
(6) Rotate POSITION and FINE controls fully cw. Start of sweep will be to the
right of center graticule line.
(7) Rotate POSITION and FINE controls fully ccw. End of sweep will be to the left
of center graticule line.
b. Adjustments. No further adjustments can be made.
10. Magnifier Gain and Registration
a. Performance Check
(1) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 0.1 ms MARKER output.
(2) Press and release MAG pushbutton to X10 (out).
(3) Adjust POSITION and FINE controls to midrange. If oscilloscope does not
display 1 time marker per division over center 8 divisions, perform b (1) below.
(4) Set oscilloscope calibrator to 5 ms MARKER output.
(5) Adjust POSITION control to align center time marker with oscilloscope center
graticule line.
(6) Press MAG pushbutton to X1 (in). If center time marker is not within 0.5
divisions of center graticule line, perform b (2) below.
(7) Press and release MAG pushbutton to X10 (out). If center time marker is not
within 0.5 divisions of center graticule line, perform b (3) below.
(8) Press MAG pushbutton to X1 (in).
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R430 MAG GAIN (fig. 2) for 1 time marker per division over center 8
divisions (R).
(2) Adjust R445 MAG REG (fig. 2) to align center time marker with center
graticule line (R).
(3) Due to interaction, it may be necessary to compromise the adjustment of R445
MAG REG (fig. 2) for X1 and X10 MAG positions. If necessary, repeat a (5) through (7) above.