TB 9-6625-2056-24
b. Adjustments
(1) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 50 ns MARKER output and adjust C330 50 ns
TIMING (fig. 2) for 1 time marker per division between 2d and 10th vertical graticule lines (R).
(2) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 10 s MARKER output and adjust R710 10 s
TIMING (fig. 2) for 1 time marker per division between 2d and 10th vertical graticule lines (R).
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 10 ms MARKER output and adjust R715 10 ms
TIMING (fig. 2) for 1 time marker per division between 2d and 10th vertical graticule lines (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.
9/(10 Blank)