TB 9-6625-2083-24
(8) INVERT pushbutton released to normal.
(9) 20 MHz BW LIMIT pushbutton released to full bandwidth.
(10) TRIGGER COUPLING switches (both A and B) to AC.
(11) LEVEL controls (both A and B) to midrange.
(12) SLOPE switches (both A and B) to +.
(13) SOURCE switches (both A and B) to NORM.
(14) TRIG MODE switch to AUTO.
(15) A TRIGGER HOLDOFF control to NORM.
(16) HORIZ DISPLAY switch to A.
(17) A AND B TIME/DIV AND DELAY TIME switches locked to 1 ms.
(18) DELAY TIME POSITION control fully ccw.
(19) X10 MAG pushbutton released to X1.
(20) NON STORE pushbutton pressed.
(21) SAVE REF pushbutton released.
(22) CURSOR FUNCTION pushbuttons both released.
(23) Press POWER pushbutton to ON and note that TI cycles through self-test
sequence and all four digits (on LED readout) flash 0000 and go off. Allow 20 minutes for
warm-up before proceeding.
c. Adjust INTENSITY, FOCUS, and ASTIG controls for a sharp, well-defined display.
d. Adjust vertical and horizontal POSITION controls for a centered trace that starts
at the left vertical graticule line.
e. Rotate CH 1 VAR control fully ccw. If trace shift is not less that 1 major division,
adjust R273 CH 1 VAR BAL (fig. 9) (accessible without removing case) for minimum trace
shift when CH 1 VAR control is adjusted from fully cw to ccw. Return CH 1 VAR control
to cw position.
f. Press VERT MODE CH 2 pushbutton and release CH 1 pushbutton. Repeat
technique of d and e above, except adjust R573 CH 2 VAR BAL (fig. 9) (accessible without
removing case) for CH 2.
g. Position trace to vertical graticule centerline and press INVERT pushbutton. If
trace shift is not less than 2 divisions, adjust R566 INVERT BAL (fig. 9) for minimum trace
shift when INVERT pushbutton is pressed or released. Release INVERT pushbutton.