TB 9-6625-2097-24
g. Energize equipment and allow 15 minutes for warm-up and stabilization.
h. Press 5 mm/sec CHART SPEED pushbutton and VARIABLE SPEED control
fully ccw.
i. Turn CH 1 POSITION control fully ccw. Adjust CH 1 R202, LIMIT LEFT (CH 2
R202) (fig. 1) for 1.5 mm pen deflection beyond the left channel margin.
j. Turn CH 1 POSITION control fully cw. Adjust CH 1 R203 LIMIT RIGHT (CH 2
R203) (fig. 1) for 1.5 mm pen deflection beyond the right channel margin.
k. Adjust CH 1 POSITION control to center pen on chart (0, line).
1. Repeat technique of (i) through (k) above for CH 2 POSITION control.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect calibrator to SIGNAL INPUT I (fig. 2).
(2) Adjust calibrator output for 25 mm pen deflection to the left on TI. If calibrator
does not indicate between 2.490 and 2.510 V dc, perform b below.
(3) Vary autotransformer between 105 and 125 V while maintaining a 25 mm pen
deflection on TI with calibrator. If calibrator indication does not remain between 2.490 and
2.510 V dc and b was not performed in (2) above, perform b below.
(4) Set calibrator for 25 mm pen deflection to the right on TI.
Calibrator will
indicate between -2.490 and -2.510 V dc.
(5) Repeat techniques of (1) through (4) above for SIGNAL INPUT 2 (fig. 2).