TB 9-6625-2097-24
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect calibrator to pins 1 and 2 of J-101, input connector on rear of TI.
(2) Set CHART SPEED to 5, VARIABLE SPEED control fully ccw, and adjust
H.1 POSITION control for pen deflection to right zero line on chart paper.
(3) Set calibrator for a pen deflection of 50 mm on recorder. If calibrator does not
indicate between 0.999 and 1.001 V dc, perform b below.
(4) Set calibrator for a pen deflection of 10 mm on recorder. If calibrator does not
indicate between 0.1998 and 0.2002 V dc, perform b below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Disconnect calibrator.
(2) Set RANGE switch to X.1.
(3) Connect multimeter negative lead to TP7 and positive lead to TP6 (fig. 3) on TI.
(4) Turn SENSITIVITY control on front panel fully ccw. Adjust R230 ZERO (fig. 3)
for 0 +.005 V indication on multimeter.
(5) Turn SENSITIVITY control on front panel fully cw, set S201 to DC INPUT
(right) (fig. 3), and short pins 1 and 2 of 101. Adjust R237 OFFSET (fig. 3) for 0 .005 V
indication on multimeter.
(6) Set RANGE switch to X1 on front panel and set S201 to DC BAL (left) (fig. 3).
(7) Connect calibrator to pins 1 and 2 of J-101. Set calibrator for 1.000 VDC output
(8) Set calibrator to -1.000 VDC. If multimeter does not indicate voltage recorded in
(7) above, adjust R224 DC BAL (fig. 3) for same reading within 0.002 V. Repeat (7) and (8)
above until no further adjustment is needed (R).
(9) Adjust R229 SPAN (fig. 3) for multimeter reading of 5 0.005 V (R).
(10) Adjust ZERO SUPPRESSION control cw to 100 percent, set ZERO
SUPPRESSION switch ON, and RANGE switch to X.1. Adjust R228 SUP ADJ (fig. 3) for
0 .005V indication on multimeter.
(11) Repeat (1) through (10) above to eliminate interaction.
(12) Slide all manual ink valves with tubing attached to OFF position on recorder.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.