TB 9-6625-2134-24
(8) Adjust signal generator frequency from 100 kHz to 2 MHz, maintaining -8 dBm
amplitude. Amplitude deviation above and below peak average will not exceed 1.5 dB on crt.
DIGITAL STORAGE MAX HOLD pushbutton must be on for
each sweep to update data stored for each sweep.
(9) Press MAX HOLD pushbutton to off and adjust SPAN/DIV control to 1 MHz
indication on crt.
(10) Adjust signal generator frequency for 2 MHz.
(11) Adjust FREQUENCY control to position signal to far left graticule line on crt.
(12) Press DEGAUSS pushbutton and readjust FREQUENCY control to position
signal to far left graticule line.
(13) Press MAX HOLD pushbutton to on and increase signal generator frequency
slowly from 2 MHz to 10 MHz maintaining -8 dBm amplitude. Amplitude deviation above
and below peak average will not exceed 1.5 dB on crt.
Figure 28. Frequency Response - Equipment Setup.
(15) Adjust FREQUENCY SPAN/DIV control to 200 MHz and FREQUENCY
control to approximately 1.0 GHz.
(16) Adjust synthesized signal generator for 1 GHz at -6 dBm indication on power meter.
(17) Press VERTICAL DISPLAY 2 dB/DIV pushbutton to on and adjust
REFERENCE LEVEL control for signal amplitude indication of half of crt display.