TB 9-6625-2259-24
Test instrument
F1 M3 display frequency
Measuring receiver
indication limit
(8) Press LEVEL key and set LEVEL display to +10 dBm by pressing 10 with
DATA ENTRY keys and then by pressing GHz/dBm/SEC DATA ENTRY key.
(9) Press FREQUENCY RANGE CW F1 key and set F1 M3 display to F1 M3
display frequency indication listed in first row of table 5.
(10) Configure measuring receiver to measure frequency and allow measuring
receiver to acquire carrier frequency.
(11) Configure measuring receiver to measure AM depth with no high pass filter,
300 kHz low pass filter and RMS detector selected. Measuring receiver indication will be
within limit specified in first row of table 5.
(12) Repeat technique of (9) through (11) above for remaining frequencies listed in
table 5. Measuring receiver indication will be within limit specified in table 5.
Test instrument
F1 M3 display frequency
Measuring receiver
indication limit
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Test
(1) Press TI RESET key.
(2) Press LEVEL key and set LEVEL display to +13 dBm by pressing 13 with
DATA ENTRY keys and then by pressing GHz/dBm/SEC DATA ENTRY key.
(3) Press FREQUENCY RANGE CW F1 key set F1 M3 display to 0.010 GHz by
pressing 10 with DATA ENTRY keys and then by pressing MHz/dB/mS DATA ENTRY key.
(4) Configure measuring receiver to measure frequency and allow measuring
receiver to acquire carrier frequency.