TB 9-6625-2344-35
(7) In ACQUISITION SETUP window, click CLOSE key.
(8) Click SETUP menu on top of TI display.
(9) From displayed drop-down menu, click CHANNEL 1.
(10) In displayed CHANNEL SETUP window, place cursor over SCALE box and left
click mouse to activate percent.
(11) Using either TI keyboard or mouse, enter 200 m.
(12) In displayed CHANNEL SETUP window, place cursor over OFFSET box and
left click mouse to activate percent.
(13) Using either TI keyboard or mouse, enter 2.000 and click OK key.
(14) In displayed CHANNEL SETUP window, click CLOSE key.
(15) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a channel 1 output of 2.00 Vdc.
(16) Press TI CLEAR DISPLAY button.
knob to adjust the
(17) After display settles, if necessary, use TI VERTICAL
displayed trace as close as possible to center horizontal grid line.
(18) Click SETUP menu on top of TI display.
(19) From displayed drop-down menu, click CHANNEL 1.
(20) In CHANNEL SETUP window, the value displayed in OFFSET box will be
within limits specified in first row of table 2.
(21) In displayed CHANNEL SETUP window, click CLOSE key.
(22) Repeat technique used in (8) through (21) above for remaining TI settings and
calibrator outputs listed in table 4. Offset indications will be within limits specified in table
Oscilloscope calibrator
Test instrument
Offset indication
2.00 V
200 mV
2.000 V
1.943 V
1.00 V
100 mV
1.000 V
0.9715 V
1.0285 V
50 mV
500.000 mV
(23) Set oscilloscope calibrator to standby.
(24) Press TI buttons as listed in (a) and (b) below:
(a) VERTICAL 1 (not illuminated).
(b) VERTICAL 2 (illuminated).
(25) Change oscilloscope calibrator output from channel 1 to channel 2.
(26) Repeat technique of (8) through (25) above for remaining TI channels.
(27) Set oscilloscope calibrator to standby.
b. Adjustments. None.