TB 9-6625-3628-24
The Roll Jack Screw adjusts the horizontal roll of the torque
fixture and the Pitch Jack Screw adjusts the vertical plane of
Figure 4. Calibration Fixture Leveling Adjustments.
(10)Wait 30 seconds for zero stability and establish the zero point by selecting the
ZERO button.
(11)Select the 10% radio button in the Applied Mass section.
The 10% radio button is not available for the T171-231-5/30
Low Range (CW and CCW). Select the 20% radio button in
the Applied Mass section for the T171-231-5/30 Low Range
(CW and CCW).
(12)Apply the weight indicated at the bottom of the Applied Mass section to the
(13)Level the calibration arm by adjusting the two jack screws located in the fixture
(14)Stabilize applied mass and ensure that no oscillation can be observed in the
weights or bubble level.
(15)Select the Record Point button. If the Error (%Applied) in the Analysis
section is not within 0.5% of applied load, perform b below for the range and direction
being calibrated.