TB 9-6695-293-50
When SET REF is engaged the display shows the difference
between an applied input and the stored reference, or average
of references. The difference can be displayed in units of V (or
mV), ppm, percent, or ratio. Once a reference has been
established you can cycle through each choice by pressing any
of the three softkeys below the display. The display will cycle
through PPM (power on state), PCT, VOLTS, and RATIO,
and displays the equation used in each case.
(5) Set TI for 2.0 A, 3.0 kHz ac output. Record ac measurement standard displayed
error indication in appropriate column of table 6.
(6) Return to +2.0 A dc output that was set in (3) above and verify that the ac
measurement standard error display returns to a zero reading .0010 PCT; if not, repeat
technique of (3) through (5) above.
(7) Algebraically add the resulting error indication to the test reported ac-to-dc
difference of the ac shunt. The result will be within the limits specified.
(8) Repeat technique of (5) through (7) above for 20 Hz and 10 kHz.
(9) Repeat technique of (2) through (8) above for 1.0 A, 100 mA and 10 mA using the
appropriate ac shunts.
b. 1.0 mA and 100 A
(1) Connect equipment as shown in figure 9. Set resistance standard dials to
000100.00. Press INPUT 2 pushbutton on ac measurement standard.
(2) Set TI for a +1.0 mA dc output.