TB 9-6625-2162-24
(14) Set synthesized signal generator frequency from 8.4 to 10.0 GHz (in 0.1 GHz
increments) while adjusting level control for +8.0 dBm directional coupler output as
indicated on measuring receiver. Record TI maximum and minimum display indications
and synthesized signal generator output frequency for the indications recorded above.
(15) Using the maximum and minimum indications recorded in (14) above and the
formula below calculate the correction factor.
Correction factor (db) = (Maximum TI indication) - (Minimum TI indication)
maximum indication. Adjust level control until measuring receiver indicates a +8.0 dBm
directional coupler output.
(17) Adjust VR18 (fig. 1) for a TI display of 8 + correction factor calculated in (15)
above (R).
(18) Repeat (14) through (16) above while maintaining a -2.0 dBm directional coupler
output as indicated by measuring receiver.
The display will not change directly with adjustment of VR16.
(19) Using correction factor calculated in (15) above for a -2.0 dB input, adjust VRI6
(fig. 1) slightly ccw for a (+) positive or slightly ccw for a (-) negative correction factor (R).
(21) Set ATTENUATION DB 0-80 switch to 0. If the TI display does not
indicate -2 +correction factor, repeat (19) and (20) above until desired results are obtained.
(22) Repeat (1) through (21) above until no further adjustments are necessary.
(23) Set synthesized signal generator to 8.4, 9.2 and 10.0 GHz while adjusting level
control to maintain a +10 dBm directional coupler output as indicated by measuring
receiver. Adjust VR3 (fig. 1) until display indicates between +9 and +11 dBm at each
frequency (R).
Adjust VR3 only enough to bring display indication to within
(24) Set TRIGGER switch to INT and the MODE switch to SELF TEST.
(25) After display becomes blank, press E on keyboard until self test starts. When
display indicates [ ] press E until +1 appears in the left most position of the display.
(26) Compare the display indication with the 10 dB attenuator values recorded
in 9 a (12) above. If the difference is greater than 1.0, paragraph 9 must be repeated.