TB 9-6625-2183-24
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH1 X
INPUT using 50 feed-through termination.
(3) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 0.1 mS MARKER mode output.
(4) Adjust vertical POSITION control for base line at bottom horizontal graticule
line and set CH1 AC-GND-DC switch to DC. If time markers displayed are not parallel
with vertical graticule lines within .2 division, perform b (1) below.
(5) Set oscilloscope calibrator to standby and disconnect cable from CH1 X INPUT
and set CH1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 5 DIV CAL.
(6) Adjust CH1 VOLTS/DIV CAL control and CH1 X POSITION control for a
centered 2 division display on TI.
(7) Adjust vertical POSITION control for a display on bottom graticule line. If
compression or expansion of display is not less than 1 minor division, perform b (2) through
(7) below.
(8) Move top of display to top horizontal graticule line. If compression or expansion
of display is not less than 1 minor division, perform b (2) through (7) below.