TB 9-6625-2247-40
(10) Repeat techniques (3) through (9) for frequencies of 22 and 23.8 GHz.
Figure 5. Sensitivity test (26.5 to 40 GHz) - equipment setup.
(12) Repeat technique (2) above.
(13) Set variable attenuator No. 3 to 0 dB.
(15) Adjust variable attenuator No. 2 controls for a power meter indication of -10 dBm.
(16)Slowly increase variable attenuator No. 3 attenuation until TI
l o s e s s t a b l e count.
(17) Slowly decrease variable attenuator No. 3 attenuation until TI just begins to
indicate a stable count.
(18) Add directional coupler No. 2 actual coupling factor from correction chart to
power meter indication and record sum.
(19) Subtract 0.5 dB (waveguide to coaxial adapter insertion loss (max)) from
variable attenuator No. 3 corrected value and record difference.
(20) Subtract difference recorded in technique (19) above from sum recorded in
technique (18) above. If the difference is not at least the minimum value listed in table 3,
prepare a test report and record actual sensitivity value for test frequency.
(21) Repeat techniques (13) through (20) above for the remaining frequencies listed
(-dBm Min)