TB 9-6625-2258-24
Second harmonic amplitude on spectrum analyzer display will be less than -25 dBc (25 dB
below carrier level indicated on spectrum analyzer display) and sub-harmonic amplitudes
will be less than -25 dBc (25 dB below carrier level indicated on spectrum analyzer display).
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
(1) Press RESET key.
to spectrum analyzer INPUT 50 .
(2) Connect RF OUTPUT 50
(3) Press LEVEL display to +13.0 dBm by pressing 13 with DATA ENTRY keys
and then by pressing GHz/dBm/SEC DATA ENTRY key.
(4) Press FREQUENCY RANGE CW F1 key and set F1 M3 display to 0.010 GHz
by pressing 10 with DATA ENTRY keys and then by pressing MHz/dB/msec DATA
ENTRY key.
(5) Adjust spectrum analyzer controls to view TI 10 MHz signal at center graticule
line of spectrum analyzer display.
Adjust spectrum analyzer controls as necessary to view TI
fundamental frequency from 10 MHz to 2 GHz for (6) below.
(6) Slowly rotate INCR DECR adjustment control cw (from 0.010 to 2 GHz) and
observe non-harmonic related (spurious) signals. Spurious signals will be <-45 dBc (45 dB
below carrier level indication on spectrum analyzer.)
Spurious signals may be characterized as listed below:
Weak in power.
Pop up abruptly.
Track oppositely to fundamental and harmonic signals.
Disappear abruptly.
(7) Press LEVEL key and set LEVEL display to +10.0 dBm by pressing 10 with
DATA ENTRY keys and then by pressing GHz/dBm/SEC DATA ENTRY key.
(8) Press FREQUENCY RANGE CW F1 key and set F1 M3 display to 2.000 GHz
by pressing 2 with DATA ENTRY key and then by pressing GHz/dBm/SEC DATA
ENTRY key.
(9) Adjust spectrum analyzer controls as necessary to view TI 2.000 GHz signal at
center graticule line of spectrum analyzer display.
Adjust spectrum analyzer controls as necessary to view
fundamental frequency from 2 to 18 GHz for (10) below.