TB 9-6625-2320-35
(21) Rotate front-panel general purpose knob to align active cursor over
waveform. See figure 2. If TI @ readout does not indicate within 0 V, 1.6 mV, perform
b below.
(22) Repeat technique of (14) through (21) above for settings listed in table 3. If TI
does not indicate within limits listed in table 3, perform b below.
Test instrument
Fine Scale
offset accuracy
101 mV
25.1 mV
1.01 V
251 mV
(23) Press WAVEFORM OFF key to remove current channel displayed.
(24) Repeat technique of (13) through (23) above for channels 2, 3, and 4. If TI does
not indicate within limits listed in table 3, perform b below.