TB 9-6625-2320-35
If TI Vert readout does not indicate as specified, adjust front-
panel VERTICAL SCALE knob.
(17) Press front-panel WAVEFORM key.
(18) Press main-menu Save Wfm key.
(19) Press side-menu To Ref 2 key.
(20) Move dual input coupler from CH 2 to CH 3 key.
(21) Press front-panel WAVEFORM OFF key.
(22) Press CH 3 key.
(23) Verify vertical scale factor is 1.0X.
If TI Vert readout does not indicate as specified, adjust front-
panel VERTICAL SCALE knob.
(24) Press side-menu To Ref 3 key.
(25) Press front-panel WAVEFORM OFF key.
(26) Move dual input coupler from CH 3 to CH 4 .
(27) Press CH 4 key.
(28) Verify vertical scale factor is 1.0X.
(29) Press front-panel MORE key.
(30) Press main-menu Ref 2 and Ref 3 keys.
(31) Locate time reference points for waveforms. Do this by identifying the point
where the rising edge of the left-most waveform crosses the center horizontal graticule
line. Next, note the corresponding time reference point for the right-most waveform.