TB 9-5210-219-40
(8) Press TI HOLD button. (For older models, release HOLD button). TI will
indicate normal angle mode.
(9) Press TI ALT REF button. TI will indicate in normal gravity mode.
13. Alternate Reference and Hold (Alternate Method)
a. Performance Check
(1) If not already done, setup equipment as shown in figure 1.
(2) Use precision level to level sine plate length and width to within 10 arc-sec.
(3) Insert a 5.00 inch gage block stack into sine plate.
(4) Press TI ALT REF button. TI will indicate ALT REF 0.0. (If the words SET
ALT REF appear after ALT REF button has been pressed, press ALT REF button again.
TI will indicate ALT REF 0.0).
(5) Remove 5.00 inch gage block stack from sine plate.
(6) If TI does not indicate -30 degrees 0.5 degree (for TI's with 45 degree range) or
-30 degrees 0.1 degree (for TI's with 60 degree range), perform b below.
(7) Rotate TI 180 degrees on sine plate to same position against sine plate rails. TI
will remain right side up and face away from technician.
(8) Press TI ALT REF button. TI will operate in normal gravity mode.
(9) Repeat technique of (3) through (5) above. If TI does not indicate 30 degrees
0.5 degree (for TI's with 45 degrees range) or 30 degrees 0.1 degree (for TI's with
60 degrees range), perform b below.
(10) Press TI HOLD button. TI display must flash repeatedly. (For older models,
HOLD button must be held to enable hold function).
(11) Remove TI from sine plate and place it on surface plate. TI display will remain
same value as (10) above.
(12) Press TI HOLD button. (For older models, release HOLD button). TI will
indicate normal angle mode.
(13) Press TI ALT REF button. TI will indicate in normal gravity mode.
a. Performance Check
This paragraph will only be performed when checking an
independent TI sensor which does not have an angle display.
The check consists of measuring sensor output voltage for
applied input angle and recording values in a calibration report
which is provided to the user.