TB 9-6625-114-24
(2) Connect a 12 V dc source to TI contacts inside battery compartment marked
+12V and 0V, observing polarity.
(3) Connect TI to TI power adapter/battery charger.
(4) Press and hold TI LCD key while pressing TI ON/OFF key (when TI switches
on, there will be two beeps). Release TI LCD and ON/OFF keys.
(5) Simultaneously press both TI AC/DC/GROUND keys to enter SERVICE menu.
(6) Press TI CALIBRATE ScopeMeter soft-key.
TI will display the message "Space for X more calibration
sessions." (X is 2, 1, or 0.) After three electronic calibrations,
TI will display: "Space for 0 more calibration sessions." To
enable another calibration, TI flash ROM's must be emptied
and ScopeMeter operating software reinstalled. For more
information see manufacturer's service manual.
The adjustment is presented as a sequence. Advance through
this sequence by pressing TI select/adjust keys. Pressing TI
upper select/adjust key ( ) increments one step; pressing TI
lower select/adjust key ( ) decrements one step.
(7) Press TI CONTRAST soft-key.
Throughout this adjustment procedure, active modes will be
displayed in reverse, i.e. CONTRAST, SCOPE or METER
will be displayed in reverse.
(8) Use TI select/adjust keys to adjust contrast to desired setting.
(9) Press TI READY soft-key.
(10) Press TI CONTRAST soft-key (displayed CONTRAST will change from reverse
display to normal).
(11) Press TI SCOPE soft-key.
Scope mode adjustment is divided into two parts: hardware
adjustments (steps 1 to 4) and closed case adjustments (steps 5
to 29). Hardware adjustments are required only if repairs in TI
attenuator sections or analog ASIC circuitry were made.
(12) Advance to adjustment step 5 by pressing upper select/adjust key ( ) 4 times.
(13) Short TI CHANNEL A input to CHANNEL B input.
(14) Press TI READY soft-key.