TB 9-6625-114-24
b. Adjustments. Annotate out of tolerance condition, complete checks through
a. Performance Check
(1) Press TI upper select/adjust key to go to test 5. TI will display Verif 5.
(2) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CHANNEL A.
not between 993 and 1007 Hz and/or displayed signal is not stable, perform b below.
(4) For TI model 93 with firmware version lower than 4.01, proceed to paragraph
24. For TI model with firmware version 4.01 and higher, proceed to paragraph 22. For TI
b. Adjustments. Annotate out of tolerance condition, complete checks through
20. Time Cursor (model 97 only)
a. Performance Check
(2) Press TI EXIT soft-key then select SCOPE mode.
(3) Press TI AUTO SET key.
(4) Set TI time base to 1 ms/div.
(5) Press TI HOLD/RUN key to freeze the display.
(6) Press TI CURSOR DATA key.
(7) Press TI CURSOR soft-key.
(8) Press TI FUNCTION soft-key and verify TI dV and dt functions are on. If not,
use TI select/adjust keys and ENTER soft-key to select these functions.
(9) Use TI <CURSOR-1-> and <CURSOR-2-> keys to position cursor lines to cover
a distance of 6 time mark intervals. Position cursors exactly at top of marker pulses
leading edges. If TI readout does not indicate between 5.95 to 6.05 ms, perform b below.
(10) Set oscilloscope calibrator to STBY.
b. Adjustments. Annotate out of tolerance condition. Complete checks through
21. Voltage Cursor (model 97 only)
a. Performance Check
(1) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a 1 kHz, 1 V, square wave output.
(2) Press TI AUTO SET key.