TB 9-6625-187-24
(22) After all the frequencies in table 4 have been verified, put RF power source in
(23) If all readings were within tolerance skip to paragraph 9; if out of tolerance,
continue with adjustments in b below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Connect equipment as shown in figure 1 using TLC125-6EF1 Low Pass Filter
and appropriate power sensor.
(2) Remove the screws on the rear of either side of the TI housing and pull the back
cover off to access the adjustment potentiometers.
(3) Set the TI range switch to 15.
(4) Set Signal Generator to 100 MHz and slowly increase power output until the
Power Meter reads 12.5 watts.
(5) Once Power Meter settles and reads exactly 12.5 watts, adjust R9 (fig. 2) until
the TI indicates the same power reading as the Power Meter.
Figure 2. TI Adjustment Potentiometers Location.
(6) Reduce RF power to minimum and set source to standby.
(7) For frequencies below 100 MHz in table 5, enter the correction factor for each
from the correction table located on the back cover plate of TI.
(8) Calculate the TI reading level by multiplying the correction factor X 12.5 then
enter this product in the TI reading level column of table 5.
(9) Set Signal Generator to the first frequency listed in table 5. Change the Low
Pass Filter (if required) to the one associated with that frequency.