TB 9-6625-2134-24
Figure 9. 2d LO Tuning Adjustment - Bottom View.
(131) Using a 5/16 inch open-end wrench and a 5/16 inch Allen wrench, loosen lock
nut and adjust fine TUNING SLUG (fig. 9) in cavity for a reading of 2182.0 MHz.
(132) Tighten lock nut and recheck reading on frequency counter. If frequency
counter does not indicate between 2181 and 2183 MHz, repeat technique of (128) through
(131) above.
(134) Push POWER switch to off.
(135) Remove center frequency control board (fig. 10) and reinstall, using service kit
extender board.
Figure 10. Center Frequency Control - Adjustment Locations.
(136) Pull POWER switch to on.
(137) Position controls as listed in (a) through (e) below: